

Bitnomial, Inc., is the holding company of entities that operate exchange, clearing, settlement, and brokerage infrastructure. While each of these entities are affiliated among each other, they are subject to conflict-of-interest policies that are designed to promote integrity, transparency, and accountability in accordance with the requirements of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The following is a list of Bitnomial entities:

  • Bitnomial Exchange, LLC (Exchange) is a Designated Contract Market (DCM) that is registered with the CFTC. The Exchange has received a positive assessment for post-trade transparency requirements by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) as a Third-Country Venue under MIFID II and MIFIR.

  • Bitnomial Clearinghouse, LLC (Clearinghouse) is a Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO) that is registered with the CFTC. The Clearinghouse is wholly owned by the Exchange.

  • Bitnomial Settlement, LLC (Settlement) is authorized as a digital asset settlement facility by the Exchange and is not licensed or registered with the CFTC. Settlement is wholly owned by Bitnomial, Inc.

  • Bitnomial Clearing, LLC (Clearing) is a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) that is registered with the CFTC and is a member of the National Futures Association. Clearing is a Clearing Member of the Exchange and is subject to all Exchange and Clearinghouse Rules. Clearing is not permitted to receive any preferential treatment over other, unaffiliated FCMs.

  • Bitnomial Trading, LLC (Trading), is non-operational and is not a participant of the Exchange. Trading is wholly owned by Bitnomial, Inc. Trading is not permitted to receive any preferential treatment over other participant market makers. Trading comprises less than 25% of the Exchange notional trading volume on an annual basis when operational.

  • If you have any questions regarding the roles of these entities or potential conflicts of interest, please contact us at help@bitnomial.com


    Bitnomial®, BTNL®, Bitcoin Complex®, Crypto Complex® and respective logos are registered trademarks of Bitnomial, Inc.


    © 2025 Bitnomial, Inc. All rights reserved.